production artistique ou exécutive pour les yeux ou les oreilles, depuis
art or executive production for ears or eyes, since 1990.
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Facts | Meaning | Company informations | History | People | Corporate status | Pictures | Logo | CV
Facts :
Since 1990, X.Y.Zèbres scrl is a small size company that specializes in music production and art projects development, conducted by belgian artist and producer Marc Wathieu (a.k.a. Marc Morgan).
Download Marc Wathieu's CV (French - PDF).
Meaning :
X.Y.Zèbres took his name after a song created by "Les Tricheurs" in 1989 on their only LP "Tendez Vos Lèvres".
The lyrics talk about some beautiful loosers personified by the alphabet last letters X, Y and Z,
which fortunatelly gives also the higher score in the french Scrabble word game.
Informations :
Company informations :
Company name : X.Y.Zèbres SCRL
Contact : Marc Wathieu.
Address : 17, Chemin de Nalonsart • 4500 Huy (Belgium)
See on Googlemaps.
Mobile : + 32 (0)479 777 482
Website : http://www.xyzebres.be/
Email : marcwathieu at xyzebres.be
VAT identification :
VAT number : BE 0441081170
Please verify here the validity of this VAT number (will open a new window).
More infos about the VAT in the EC (will open a new window).
Belgian identification numbers :
CBE number : BE 0441081170
Read more here about the CBE number or the enterprise number (will open a new window).
NACE code : 90023
Read more here about the NACE code (will open a new window).
Registre de commerce :
Registre de commerce X.Y.Zèbres SCRL : RC HUY 38.247
Bank account informations :
Belfius Bank
Account Number : 068-2098271-91
IBAN : BE23 0682 0982 7191
Belfius Bank head office :
Belfius Banque
44, Boulevard Pachéco • 1000 Bruxelles (Belgium)
Tél : +32 (0)2 222 11 11
Fax. +32 (0)2 222 11 22
Belfius regional office :
Dexia Région Huy-Andenne scrl
Contacts :
Olivier Matagne / olivier.matagne [at] mandat.belfius.com
Céline Honnay / celine.honnay at] mandat.belfius.be
41, Avenue du Bosquet • 4500 Huy (Belgium)
Tél : + 32 (0)85 27 40 10
Fax : + 32 (0)85 27 40 19
Chartered accountant informations :
Company name : Axylium
Contact : Benoît Goffin
Address : Rue Thier du Ry, 5 • 4671 Barchon (Belgium)
Website : www.axylium.net
Email : barchon [at] axylium.net
Tél : + 32 (0)4 248 22 01
History :
Since 1990, X.Y.Zèbres was at first a small corporation created to conduct musical business of musicians from the band "Les Tricheurs".
In 1993, as a SCRL ("Société Coopérative à Responsabilité Limitée", or limited liability cooperative), X.Y.Zèbres had to increase his capital, due to a new belgian corporation law about cooperatives.
This step had to be the end of the partnership with Les Tricheurs, as the musicians decided to quit.
Marc Wathieu stayed as the sole founder member for that new structure.
In 2013, Marc Wathieu co-founded Freaksville Publishing SPRL, a company involved in songs and music repertoire development, from the creative process to diffusion, but also copyright administration, media asset and metadata management.
This affinty allows X.Y.Zèbres to be involved in a close partnership with Freaksville Publishing SPRL to extand their respective efficiency.
People involved :
Marc Wathieu (Huy, 1962) :
Initially trained as an illustrator at the Beaux-Arts (Bachelor of Arts 1981-1984, Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts Saint-Luc, Liège, B), then a graphic designer and a communication manager, Marc is founder member, owner, and administrator of X.Y.Zèbres SCRL. He is also a musician and songwriter, a producer, an editor and content manager.
See Marc's profile on LinkedIn.
Maxime Wathieu (Liège, 1989) :
A sound engineer (master's degree 2007-2011, Institut des Arts de Diffusion, Louvain-la-Neuve, B), Maxime is also a producer and a musician able to manage any step of a musical or sound project (from composition to recording through mixing and mastering), with talent and determination.
See Maxime's profile on LinkedIn.
Corporate status :

Download X.Y.Zèbres SCRL constitution and capital increase
as published in "Annexe au Moniteur Belge".
(.zip - PDF 300 dpi - 6,6 Mo)

Download X.Y.Zèbres SCRL "Registre de commerce"
(.zip - PDF 300 dpi - 1,6 Mo)
Pictures :
A modest but quite confortable place, X.Y.Zèbres studio is both our rehearsal room and recording studio, as we play and record here in live conditions.
Click on a preview for a bigger picture (will open a new window).
Logo :

Download X.Y.Zèbres 3 colors logo
(.zip - PDF CMJN - 388 Ko)

Download X.Y.Zèbres B/W logo
(.zip - PDF CMJN - 388 Ko)
CV :

Download Marc Wathieu's CV (French)
(.zip - PDF - 124 Ko)