French singer Christophe and pop icon Lio

Touching meeting between french singer Christophe and pop icon Lio.

Phantom Featuring Lio

Touching meeting between french singer Christophe and pop icon Lio.

Due to a severe voice trouble, Lio needed to resist talking this week until her show in Brussels. She was quite sensible and shed a few tears in Christophe’s arms. But fortunately she achieved later her performance like the princess she still is, spontaneous and instinctive. Well, princess, I mean a princess of the dark face of Rock’n’Roll, ending her set by a ramonesque “Hey ! Ho ! Let’s Go !”.

Une touchante rencontre entre le chanteur Christophe et l’icône pop Lio à Bruxelles.

En raison d’un problème vocal préoccupant, Lio a du s’abstenir de parler cette semaine, jusqu’à ce concert important à Bruxelles. Elle a finalement chanté comme la reine des pommes que l’on connait, spontanée et instinctive, terminant le set par le ramonesque “Hey ! Ho ! Let’s Go !”.

Phantom Featuring Lio, Fête de l’Iris, Place Royale, may 8, 2010, Brussels.

French singer Christophe and pop icon Lio

French singer Christophe and pop icon Lio

French singer Christophe and pop icon Lio

Check my pictures on Flickr :
Phantom Feat. Lio, Fête de l’Iris, Brussels.

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