An exciting and unusual video clip.
To Ride A Horse, The After Lucy Experiment, 16’49 (Belgium, 2013).
A video clip by The After Lucy Experiment (TALE)
Music and lyrics by TALE
Produced by TALE, Daan, Robin Proper Sheppard
Mixed by Maxime Wathieu and Robin Proper Sheppard
Recorded at Studio Daan and X.Y.Zèbres
Images by Claude Glens, François Jacques
Additionnal images by Nathalie wathelet and Laurence Fagnoul
Edited by Laurence Vaes
With special effects and color grading by François Jacques
3D effects by Le Studio, Brussels
Additionnal lightning effects by NoKowTow
Shot on location in Mellier (B), Insenborn (L), Caserne Fonck (Liège, B), Studio Charlotte Beaudry and NICC Antwerpen (B)
Special thanks to Emmanuelle Bouvy and Mathieu Piret, Marc Wathieu, José Lamand, Alain Declercq, Julie Hanique, Matthew Higuet, Roman Louis Alexander, Lode Geens, Komplot, Galerie Mélanie Rio, Bruno Wajskop
No animals were harmed in the making of this film
© TALE, 2013
(Charlotte Beaudry, Aline Bouvy, Delphine Desguislage,
Céline Gillain, Aurélie Gravas, Claudia Radulescu)
About “The After Lucy Experiment”.
Founded in 2010, The After Lucy Experiment is a spontaneous and momentary formation, which includes the following artists: Charlotte Beaudry, Aline Bouvy, Delphine Deguislage, Céline Gillain, Aurélie Gravas and Claudia Radulescu. Their artistic collaboration is based on the attitude of a flash-strategy and an ultra-availability for each other. Dissidenting chaste to violent self-derision, their practice focuses on diverse, yet serious and unusual topics.